16 days to go!

The Global Youth Video Project is starting in 16 days. As you can see we’ve been developing the website to share as much information about travelling, volunteering and the Global Youth Video Project as we can!

The Global Youth Video Project is being set up entirely through voluntary contributions and time, kindly donated by business and friends. Michael Walmsley of Michael Walmsley Freelance Web Design is hosting and developing the site and Phil Galloway has designed our amazing logo for the project! Whilst I’ll be taking the practical side of the project around the world these guys will be the ones making it work behind the scenes!

We still need more help though! If you are a youth worker, teacher, interested parent or young person we need you to be finding out the questions young people have about other cultures, lives and places. We’ve had some brilliant questions so far the first being: Do they have lamp posts in Africa? We need more questions to take round the world, so go to our Ask a Question…. page to find out how to enter your question. For more about the project and how to deliver it with young people go to our Youth Workers page.