The Amazing Rhoda Youth Centre

I’ve just spent 5 days at Rhoda Youth Centre (RHC) and I’m definitely inspired. The RHC is phenomenal, it’s easily on par with some of the best youth facilities in the UK. It’s a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) run by committed workers. The project is funded by Youth Builders who are local people that donate money monthly to keep it running. The RYC provides training for young people who are struggling to find jobs after leaving education. It runs sessions for around thirty young people on film and production, IT, bead/jewelry making, art, music and acting. It has a sound studio, IT suite, film facilities, art studio, rehearsal/function space and classrooms. All students attend for free and receive coaching on setting up their own business and developing their employability skills. Young people who have worked on the project have now created their own music bands, jewelry businesses and employment opportunities. This isn’t like Entry to Employment (E2E) courses in England this is a three month placement with the same thirty students in small classes. The tutors know their students and the students learn the confidence in their skill of choice. RYC works hard to link students up with local employers and the students all work hard to learn what they can in the time they have. I think that the UK Government could learn a lot from seeing how successful this person-centered project is. It is certainly better than the cattle market system of E2E courses that many young people have experienced in the UK. It’s not just the courses that provide worth; the building is immaculate and has a feeling of grandeur. As soon as you walk through the door you feel important.

The video footage from this center will be clearer than any previous footage for the Global Youth Video Project because they gave me their equipment to use. The camera alone was bigger than my hand luggage and it was a real treat to use such equipment.

I’d like to thank the young people that worked on these videos as they put a lot of their time into answering these questions honestly and truthfully and at times this lead to very heated debates. Also a special thank you goes out to Tomisi for her wonderful cooking and for hosting me for the 5 days.

To find out more go to

Femi and Daniel